Tuesday 31 July 2018

Small Business employers and their Capital

Small Employers and their Capital
Starting a business is a dream for every entrepreneurs but many of these entrepreneurs, policy makers and academics wonder how these small business get the money to expand their business.
1.    The majority (51.2%) of small employers needing money to expand their work by own , from family members savings or assets.
2.   Business profits and assets are key source of money to expand (29.1/%) of small employers use this source of financing.
3.    Bankers are an important source of expansion capital for business,  one third of business people are using the bank loan to expand their business.
4.   One quarter of the business people are using their personnel and business credit cards to expand their business.
5.    Only 3% of the business people are using the Government agreed loans such as, SBA.
6.   Only 0.5% of the small employers are using the venture capital.

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