Friday 10 August 2018

for Dandruff

For Dandruff

Take two tablespoons of black pepper and soak it inn water overnight, make it as paste and apply on your scalp and leave it for half an hour then take hair bath with herbals.(sehakai,moon dal soapnut and so on)

Take mint leaves juice and apply on the scalp and leave it for a while and take bath.

Those have dandruff, they should drink plenty of water.

Try to reduce in taking of oil foods and coke items.

You may apply small onion juice and mustard seeds paste too.

Try to take hair bath trice in week.

Thank you

Thursday 9 August 2018

Oil Face

For Oil Face  
Use lemon based soap.

Please reduce applying creams for face and try to use astringent daily.

Cucumber and watermelon are the best source of astringent.

Take stream for with neem and lemon extract, once in a week.( Please close your eyes while taking Stream )

Add vegetables, leaves and fruits in your menu and try toavoid oil food.

Monday 6 August 2018

To Hair

To Hair

Take 1 cup of fenugreek seed and soak it for over nigh and make it as paste and dry it in room temperature and soak 7 days in the ½ Lr of  oil which you preferred that may be coconut oil, gingelly oil or castor oil or mixed of these and apply at least 3 days in a week , it will reduce the body heat.  This will become a protein rich hair tonic for hair growth.

Take one cup of coconut milk and one spoon of lemon juice, mix it well and apply on the scalp, it will control the dandruff and hair fall.

Take 5 tablespoons of fenugreek seed and soak it well for overnight and make it as paste and apply  from scalp to end of the hair weekly  once, it will helps to reduce the hair fall and it will give shiny  to the hairs.

Have healthy hair
Thank you..

Friday 3 August 2018

To Hair

To Hair

Take hand full of henna leaves, hibiscus petals  and 1 aloe Vera  and make it as paste and  let it try as buttons and put it in the oil which you  preferred  and keep it in the sun light for 7 days, then  start to use .

Henna leaves helps to reduce the early hair grey.

Hibiscus and aloevera are good conditioner to the hair.

Eat at least 10 dates per day to get enough iron for our body..
Be Healthy
Thank you…

Thursday 2 August 2018

Healthy Hair

To Hair

Hair is long or short just don’t bather about we have to wash it at least twice a week.

Don’t forget to apply oil, that oil may be from coconut, gingelly, olive or almond.

Try to avoid chemical based shampoo and change to herbal, chemical base shampoo will create allergy.

Do massage with preferred oil through your fingertips in the scalp, it increase your blood circulation and it help to hair growth.

Eat healthiest foods and drink plenty of water  to healthiest life.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Secret of the Beauty


 Beauty means not only the face it includes happiness, calmness, confidence level, satisfaction, bold and so on..

Straightforward will increase the good personality.

For believing us, we should forget about the nervousness and we should be very clear all ways and increase the confidence level.

Increase the eye to eye contact speech then it will shows the interest of our speech.

Learn to laugh, laugh can do anything, you may get more friends, you may show confidence and it will increase the beauty also.

Neat, clean, simple dress will increase the attraction, attention and authority power and there is no need to buy costly but it should be suitable to us.  

Be relax ,be happy, be honest, be kind, be confident , be confident, be believe  and be keep on learn, these are the secret of the beauty. 

Small Business employers and their Capital

Small Employers and their Capital
Starting a business is a dream for every entrepreneurs but many of these entrepreneurs, policy makers and academics wonder how these small business get the money to expand their business.
1.    The majority (51.2%) of small employers needing money to expand their work by own , from family members savings or assets.
2.   Business profits and assets are key source of money to expand (29.1/%) of small employers use this source of financing.
3.    Bankers are an important source of expansion capital for business,  one third of business people are using the bank loan to expand their business.
4.   One quarter of the business people are using their personnel and business credit cards to expand their business.
5.    Only 3% of the business people are using the Government agreed loans such as, SBA.
6.   Only 0.5% of the small employers are using the venture capital.